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  • Starliner is Indefinitely Stuck in Space, and China Returns Lunar Samples

Starliner is Indefinitely Stuck in Space, and China Returns Lunar Samples

Happy Tuesday, everyone! This week’s newsletter is 735 words, a 5-minute read.

Table of Contents

1 Big Thing: Starliner is Indefinitely Stuck in Space

Starliner making its approach toward the ISS for docking earlier this month.

Boeing’s Starliner Spacecraft, which is docked at the ISS, has no scheduled return date.

The Mission Originally was meant to last 8 days, with astronauts Butch Wilmore and Sunita Williams returning to Earth some time around June 14th.

Initially, the Astronauts’ Return was delayed for helium leaks and problems with Starliner’s propulsion system. While the spacecraft was initially docking with the ISS, its RCS thrusters weren’t performing as expected.

Elephant in the Room: There’s extra pressure on NASA and Boeing to ensure a safe return for the two astronauts, given Boeing’s recent not-so-stellar track record

Something to Prove: Boeing is also trying to prove itself, with this mission being Starliner’s final demonstration of its abilities before NASA gives Boeing the go-ahead to begin regularly shuttling astronauts to and from the International Space Station.

Stuck in Space: Now, NASA and Boeing have said that Starliner’s return to Earth is cancelled indefinitely. Engineers want to be sure the spacecraft is completely safe before scheduling a return date.

Looking Ahead: The ISS can support the two Boeing astronauts through August. Between now and then, NASA will have to either give the go-ahead for the astronauts to return via Starliner, or come up with a plan for an alternate return.

2. Cool Stuff You Might Have Missed

Space Debris from a SpaceX Dragon capsule’s return to Earth was found on a walking trail in North Carolina.

  1. NASA confirms space debris in North Carolina came from SpaceX Crew Dragon. (Space)

  2. A family in Naples, Florida filed a claim with NASA for space debris that fell through their home. (Space)

  3. Former SpaceX engineers’ startup Sift raises $17.5 million in Series A funding round. (SpaceNews)

3. China Makes History, Returning Samples from the Moon

China’s Chang’e-6 after returning from the Moon carrying surface samples.

Early this Morning, China’s Chang’e-6 returned to Earth and landed safely in Inner Mongolia.

The Mission: Chang’e-6’s landing marks the end of a historic 53-day mission during which China successfully collected the first-ever samples from the far side of the moon and returned them to Earth.

Never Before Seen: If you’ve looked at the Moon closely, you’ve probably noticed that the same side faces the Earth all the time.

  • This phenomenon is called tidal locking, and happens when celestial bodies (like moons) are large enough and close enough to the object which they orbit.

  • Our moon is the largest in the solar system relative to the planet that it orbits (Earth, of course).

Because the Moon is Tidally Locked to Earth, the “far side” has always been shrouded in mystery.

  • Apologies to Pink Floyd - there’s no such thing as the “Dark Side of the Moon”.

This Mission is Groundbreaking in that it marks the first time a spacecraft has successfully landed, collected samples, and returned from the far side of the moon.

Much to Learn: Scientists around the globe are eager to study and learn more about the samples China has returned. Lunar Far-Side samples could hold clues about the origins of our planet and our solar system, and likely contain pieces of asteroids which have collided with the moon.

4. A New Space Book

Adam Higginbotham recently released his new book, “Challenger: A True Story of Heroism and Disaster on the Edge of Space.”

The Book Tells the fascinating and heartbreaking story of the Space Shuttle Challenger, which broke apart on January 28th, 1986 73 seconds after launch, killing all seven astronauts on board.

I Picked This Up on Kindle and have been really enjoying it so far. You can check it out here:

5. Upcoming Launches & Missions





Tuesday, June 25th

5:16 PM EDT

SpaceX Falcon Heavy - GOES U

Cape Canaveral, Florida

Thursday, June 27th

12:00 AM EDT

Firefly Aerospace Alpha - ELaNa 43

Vandenburg Space Force Base, California

SPECIAL EXCITING NEWS: If you refer just 3 friends (used to be 5, now it’s 3) to my newsletter, I’ll send you a free copy of Neil deGrasse Tyson’s A Brief Welcome to the Universe. Use the link below to share and get credit for your referrals!

Thanks as always,
